Monday, April 29, 2013

Planting Has Begun...

On Thursday we had Jamie, Rowan, Roberta, James, Lynn, Josh and Lori all pitch in for a day of turning over a couple rows and planting strawberries while relocating some garlic, chives and lemon balm. It was a beautiful day to get some work done outside the hoop houses. Roberta fed the hungry crew with and excellent stew and beer bread left over from the Earth Day Party that Matt brought along from 406 Brewing.

Many Thanks!

Thank you to all who shared their  Sunday with us last week to celebrate Earth Day here at the farm.  I am very grateful for all the support and participation from  the wonderful  extended community of Family, Friends, Businesses, Musicians, all our guests  from far and near.  It was wonderful have you all. And, WELCOME  NEW CSA  MEMBERS!

Despite the chilly weather folks meandered around the farm, stopping off to watch Cole McElroy  pound steel and put shoes on "Joe". We enjoyed plenty of Fresh Baked Beer Bread  courtesy of Matt Muth from 406 Brewery. Paul Zitzer and Wayne Kryzki both brought a team of horses and wagons. What a treat for those who got on board for a country ride. Fred and Bill  manned the pig roaster  while a Huyser hog slowly turned on the spit,  it made a nice warm place to hover, especially when it reached the perfect degree of doneness! The pot luck was superb, then great music and dancing... again, thank you everyone for all the goodness.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Earth Day Festivities

Cole McElroy - blackmith

 Lydia helps Cole out by holding 'Joe'
Skim milk to the left and cream to the right!
Luka points out the thick cream to Bob and his grandsons

Mark and Jane entertain us in delightful fashion
Paul and teams are ready for the riders.

These boots are made for dancing...

...the marvelous new dance floor gets some action.
Waylon and Willie look on as Paul Zitzer  goes ahead with his own load of folks enjoying a  wagon ride.

Just picked salad anyone?  It couldn't get any fresher!
Bill and Don discuss the new handles for the broad- fork..

Emma endures the spring snow better than  the people. (They all disappeared inside  for warmth and  food!)