Our favorite farm tractor this morning...
Our favorite farm tractor this afternoon...
As it goes with any type of farming, it is all subject to the cooperation of the weather. After a wet spring and a fairly slow start on most veggies in the garden, a hail storm has lightened it's load here on the farm today. Most of the leafy greens are shredded, the greenhouse has some damage, and everything is a little beaten down. Thankfully our hail ranged from pea to golf ball with a majority being about ping pong ball sized. Some places in Bozeman had tennis ball size hail so we made out alright with out ping pong balls.
I just documented farm progress this morning... and I re-documented again this afternoon after the hail came through about 4 o'clock.
We had a great spinach harvest this morning before the storm. 8 1/2 pounds in the first batch and another 4 pounds later on.
Here are some before and after pictures:
Hail didn't go through the plastic, but it stretched and welted quite a bit.
Not only did it hail, but it was raining ridiculous amounts at the same time! Notice all the extra standing water...
Green beans didn't do so well with the hail...
The green house had some major hail dents, but it only pierced the plastic in a few places so things inside we untouched for the most part.
Jasmine surveys the damage.
And as always the sunshine after the storm:
A few flowers survived... From my count only two from the flower bed...
A spider rebuilds its delicate web in the flower garden after the storm.